Jozephine Hermansson People & Culture
Since I was six years old I have known that I wanted to work with the combination of mathematics and money. It was that simple! Then it has developed during my plus 20 years in working life, to become more focused on analysis and strategic issues. As CFO, I get to work daily with both analysis and strategic issues – by “counting money”. The challenge is to ensure that we work with our limited resources in the best way.
Close to customers, forward-thinking and varied.
At Gomero, my job is much more operational. In addition, there is an opportunity to directly and in a simple way, influence and develop the company’s situation. Short decision paths mean that Gomero can quickly adapt to the market and customers. In this way, we don’t miss opportunities, both internally and externally.
I am driven by learning and experiencing new things – that describes a typical day at Gomero!
Dare to challenge yourself!