Our most important resource at Gomero is our coworkers, as we are convinced that sustainability and success begin with the individual. Get to know Lennart Alfredsson!

Tell us why you chose to work with exactly what you do!

I already knew as a child that I wanted to be a TV repairman and I was one for 25 years. Much later I ended up at Gomero, I wanted to be a service technician because it often means variety in the work, combined with technology. I like to work in a changeable environment, while being able to take care of myself under my own responsibility, and at Gomero I get exactly that!

What makes you happy at Gomero?

We have a very good atmosphere, I enjoy my colleagues! It’s mixed genders and ages, and I believe that’s very good for any constellation. We also have a CEO who cares a lot about his employees and that of course leaves its mark on the entire organization.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Part of it is looking how my lifestyle affects the world around me. What can I do to make my household and have less impact on the environment. This is an aspect that should always be included in your everyday choice.

Another part is about living in a way that allows me to live as long as possible. You need to take a look at yourself and maybe make, (sometimes difficult) changes that will pay off in the long run.

I also try to take initiative on how we can work more sustainably at Gomero, and it feels very good that this is encouraged.

At Gomero we believe in self-leadership, what does that mean to you?

Because I believe in autonomy, self-leadership is an important part of my working life. No one tells me what to do in the days, because there is a trust. In that way you have to be independent and take responsibility – which also means that feedback is very important!

Do you have a big interest of yours that you want to share?

I love motorcycle restorations, that describes a perfect day off for me. And I love going to concerts!