Our most important resource at Gomero is our coworkers, as we are convinced that sustainability and success begin with the individual. Get to know Anders Averdal!

How would you describe Gomero in three ways?

Then I would say that we are a great group of individuals, innovative and sustainable.

Innovation through curiosity - what does that mean for you?

That you both dare and feel that you have a mandate to test new ways and approaches, both for yourself, for Gomero and for our customers. Being able to challenge and develop together is important, and it’s fun to be in a workplace that encourages this.

What is the best career advice you have received?

Work with something that feels meaningful! For me, it’s motivating when you work with something that is both useful and feels good in your heart. This will also lead to working with like-minded people.

Tell us something fun about yourself that you don't think many people know!

Something that not many people know is that I am the European champion in ocean racing! And that I am most comfortable on a bicycle or horseback in the forest.

What does sustainability mean to you?

For my part, sustainability is about reducing the consumption of finite resources, both natural and personal. On a personal level, it’s about feeling good, making time for reflection and recovery or exercise, preferably outdoors. If we talk about nature, I try to choose alternatives that are kinder to the environment, for example reducing my accommodation’s energy needs.